Origin Story

Human first, therapist second.

Originally from New England, my journey began with my own personal childhood trauma and battle with crippling anxiety, which sparked a passion for helping others facing similar experiences. My personal experience serves as the driving force behind my commitment to providing compassionate and effective mental health support over the past 8 years. 

Later in life, I experienced a high-risk pregnancy, traumatic birth experience and lengthy NICU stay with my twin daughters. This opened a new and nuanced understanding and genuine compassion for those experiencing perinatal anxiety and mental health struggles. 

During this time, I came across Lady Bird Johnson’s infamous quote, “where flowers bloom, so does hope”. I clung to this quote as a reminder- how every difficult season, hard and stormy as it may be, comes to an end. And with the end of a harsh and stormy Winter, comes a Spring. Where flowers bloom and so do new beginnings. I needed to make it through my Winter, to experience my Spring, my flowers, my hope. 

Where Flowers Bloom Counseling was inspired by my darkest Winter and my brightest Spring. My hope is to help you on your own personal journey to find your Spring, your flowers, your hope. 

  • Completely valid! I may NOT be a good fit for you and that’s okay! I offer free, 20 minute consults, to see if we’d be a good fit! And if we’re not, I’m happy to refer you to one of the amazing therapists I know in the area :)

  • That can vary! After we talk and collaborate, we can decide together what we feel would be appropriate given what you are hoping to work on.

  • The first session is really to get to know each other! My hope is for you to feel safe and heard, in sharing whatever part of you story you’re comfortable sharing and learn more about what you’re hoping to work on.

  • Now seeing teens 13+ in addition to adults! While working with children will always hold a special place in my heart, my passion and specialities have changed and I love working with teens & adults now!

  • Yes! Check out my “SERVICES” section to explore what option might be best for you!

  • I offer daytime, evening and Saturday appointments to accommodate your schedule. Your mental health matters, and I am here to help you bloom!